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Embassy of Iceland in Beijing

DHoM of the Embassy of Iceland Attended the Opening Ceremony of the “Ocean on Paper” Exhibition

Ms. Inga Petursdottir, Deputy Head of Mission (DHoM) of the Embassy of Iceland, recently attended the opening ceremony of the “Ocean on Paper” exhibition at the Art Museum of the Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University. The exhibition is curated by Professor Wen Zhongyan, Head of the Department of Painting at the Academy of Arts & Design, and features the collaboration of ten Nordic and Chinese poets alongside ten Chinese printmakers. One of Iceland’s most renowned artists; Gerður Kristný’s work is featured in the exhibition and it is delightful to see how well her work fits alongside the work of artists from Norway, Sweden, and China.

For Ocean on Paper, each poet submitted a handwritten manuscript, which has been transformed into a print. Artists then created visual works inspired by these manuscripts, bridging the worlds of poetry and visual art. The project was jointly conceptualized by Professor Zhou Jirong from the Central Academy of Fine Arts and Chinese-Norwegian artist Zeng Qianzhi building on the success of their earlier project River on Paper in 2013.


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