About the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture
Ministry of Education and Children
Borgartún 33
105 Reykjavik
Opening hours are 08:30 to 16:00 daily, Monday to Friday.
The Ministry of Education and Children aims to ensure quality education, educational facilities, accessible sports and children's rights.
The Ministry's structure in general is as follows:
- The Permanent Secretary directs the Ministry under the Minister's ultimate authority, who appoints him with a letter of official duty regulations. The Minister assigns one Director of the Ministry as Deputy Permanent Secretary. The Minister is assisted by the Political Adviser to the Minister and by various consultants on specific projects as appropriate.
- Each Department of the Ministry is directed by a Director under the supervision of the Permanent Secretary.
- Specialists operate within departments. The same applies for other staff members. The Directors are appointed with a letter of official duty regulations and specialists work according to terms of reference.
The Ministry has five departments:
- Office of the Permanent Secretary
- Department of Finance and Administration
- Department of Primary Education, Sport and Youth
- Department of Upper Secondary and Adult Education
- Department of Children's Affairs