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Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Finland conducts its first NATO Air Policing Mission in Iceland

Finnish F/A-18 Hornet fighter jets were previously in Iceland in 2014, during a Royal Norwegian Air Force Air Policing Mission in Iceland. - myndFinnish Air Force

A Finnish fighter detachment will arrive in Iceland by the end of January for a NATO Air Policing Mission. The detachment consists of four F/A-18 Hornet fighter jets and up to 50 personnel.  

This is the first time Finland conducts a NATO Air Policing Mission in Iceland since joining the Alliance. The detachment participates in the Mission along with staff of the NATO Combined Air Operations Centre at Uedem and the Keflavik Air Base in Iceland.  

„The participation of Finland in the Icelandic Air Policing Mission is a significant milestone which demonstrates how Finland and Sweden‘s entry into NATO strengthens and deepens our defence cooperation and contributes to our security,“ says Þorgerður Katrín Gunnarsdóttir, Iceland‘s Minister for Foreign Affairs.  

The Mission is conducted in accordance with the NATO plan for Iceland Air Policing in a similar manner as in previous years.  

The Defense Division of the Icelandic Coast Guard will manage the implementation of the mission, on behalf of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, in close cooperation with Isavia, the national airport and air navigation service provider of Iceland. 

Weather permitting, approach flight exercises to the alternate airports in Akureyri and Egilsstaðir are planned for the period from 24 January to 7 February. The detachment will be based at Keflavik Air Base. 

The mission is expected to conclude at the end of February. 

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