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Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Justice
Related material
- Foreign Nationals
- Social Welfare and Families
- Human Rights and Equality
- About the Ministry
- Adoption
- Ministry of Justice
- Religion and non-religious convictions
- Visa to Iceland
- Elections
- Law and Order
- Public Safety and Security
- Volcanic Activity in Reykjanes
- Consumer Affairs
- Foreign Nationals' Real Property Rights
- Child Abduction
- AML - CFT policies
- Citizenship
- Lotteries
- Legal aid in Iceland - basic information
- Further details regarding the Hague Convention
- Marriages and co-habitation
- Minister of Justice
- Schengen
- Seismic activity in Reykjanes
- The Judicial System in Iceland
- Iceland withdraws from co-operation with Norway on purchase of rescue helicopters
- Iceland's Fourteenth Periodic Report on the Implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of racial Discrimination According to Article 9 of the Convention
- Act regarding the Icelandic Red Cross and the emblem of the Red Cross, the Red Crescent and the Red Crystal
- Regulations No. 1192/2005 respecting Lawyers´ Trusteeship Accounts et al.
- Construction started on barrier to protect the power plant in Svartsengi
- Stricter measures enforced in Iceland: Ban on gatherings of more than 20 people
- Børnelov nr. 76 27. marts 2003
- Act on the Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and the Protocol on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment No 74/2019
- Straffeprocesloven
- Outcome of the counting of votes cast in the referendum on 20 October 2012.
- Code of Criminal Procedure No. 88, 12 June 2008
- Application for Icelandic citizenship - New point of contact
- Iceland's Third Report on the Implementation of the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights
- Local Government Elections Act, No. 5/1998/ with subsequent amendments
- Iceland´s Sixteenth Periodic Report on the Implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination According to Article 9 of the Convention.
- Act on the Judiciary
- Advertisement regarding the Referendum to be held on 20 October 2012
- Commissioner for Human Rights visits Iceland
- Parliamentary Elections to the Althing, Act No. 24/2000
- GRECO - Evaluation Report on Iceland - Transparency of Party Funding (Theme II)
- Seismic activity in Reykjanes
- Foreign Nationals Act 2016 no. 80
- Icelandic Nationality Act, No. 100/1952
- Lov om erstatningsansvar
- New Government Takes Office
- GRECO - Group og States against Corruption, Evaluation Report on Iceland
- Revised list - residents of twelve non-EEA and Schengen states allowed to visit Iceland
- Law on Lotteries, No. 38/2005
- Regulation exempting vaccinated non-Schengen travellers from travel restrictions to come into force on 6 April
- Presidential Election 2012
- Amendments to the Icelandic Nationality Act
- Strict measures to contain the spread of Covid-19 in Iceland
- Residents of fourteen non-EEA and Schengen states allowed to visit Iceland
- Travel restrictions for residents of 15 countries to be lifted soon
- Civil Protection Act
- Act on the Right of Ownership and Use of Real Property
- Regulation No. 1129/2008 on Icelandic language tests for persons applying for Icelandic citizenship
- Advertisement of the results of the referendum on 20 October 2012
- Easing of restrictions on gatherings
- Regulation on the Handling of Notifications of Alleged Money Laundering or Terrorist Financing, No. 175/2016
- Icelandic measures for remote workers put in place
- CPT Report 2005
- Exemption from border measures for vaccinated individuals to be extended to non-Schengen countries
- The Government Approves the Proposals of the Refugee Committee
- Den islandske færdselslov nr. 50/1987 med senere ændringer, § 101
- Local Government Elections 31 May 2014
- COVID-19: Border measures extended to 15th of June
- CIVILPROCESLOVENnr. 91 af 31. december 1991 med senere ændringer
- Adoption Act
- Testing for international arrivals could start in June
- Act on Professional Lawyers
- Den islandske borgerlige straffelov
- Iceland's Third Periodic Report to the United Nations under Articles 16 and 17 of the International Covenant on Economic
- Lov om udbetaling af erstatning fra staten til ofre for forbrydelser
- Children Act, no. 76/2003, with later amendments
- Iceland Calls Financial Action Task Force ‘Grey List’ Decision Unwarranted and Disproportionate
- Iceland implements Schengen and EU travel restrictions
- A new Minister of the Interior
- Elections Act, No 112/2021
- International Conference - Human Rights Protection & International Law
- Ændringer af den islandske lov om statsborgerret
- Advertisement - General parliamentary elections
- Regulation on the rights of aliens who come under the Agreement on the European Economic Area or the Convention establishing the European Free Trade Association to acquire the right to own or use real property
- The Minister of Justice permits temporary protection due to mass flight
- Police Act, No. 90/1996
- New Climate Action Plan - Iceland will fulfil its commitments and more
- Information for travellers arriving in Iceland from 15 June 2020
- General Penal Code, Nr. 19/1940
- Nordic-Baltic countries engage the IMF to conduct an analysis of cross-border money laundering and terrorist financing risks in the region
- Narcotics Act, No. 65/1974
- Reports on the Rights of the Child
- COVID-19: Border measures remain unchanged until the end of February
- Act on Funds and Institutions Operating According to Approved Charters, No. 19, 15 May 1988
- Act on Candidacy and Election of the President of Iceland, No. 36/1945
- Agreement between Eurojust and the Republic of Iceland
- Decision on a Request to Purchase Land
- Covid-19 epidemic receding in Iceland - 295 new infections in the past seven days and 363 recoveries
- Response to COVID-19 in Iceland
- Few active COVID-19 cases found in border tests - new cases in line with what was expected
- Iceland Introduces Temporary Schengen Border Controls and 14-day Quarantine for International Arrivals
- Iceland's Third Periodic Report on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, June 2008
- Reykjanes Volcanic Eruption: Icelandic Government Advice
- GRECO - Evaluation Report on Iceland - Incriminiations (ETS 173 and 191, GPC 2) (Theme I)
- Easing of restrictions on gatherings on 15 June
- Presidential Election 2016
- Ban on unnecessary travel from high-risk areas
- Government of Iceland announces increased support for companies and extension of part-time unemployment benefits
- Law in Respect of Marriage No 31 1993
- Agreement between Iceland and the United Kingdom on Youth Mobility
- Temporary travel restrictions extended until 15 June
- Act on the Protection of Privacy as regards the Processing of Personal Data, No. 77/2000
- Regulation on management of personal information by the police, No. 322 9 April 2001 with amendment no. 926/2004
- Act on Bankruptcy etc.
- Interim report of the Icelandic Government to the European Committee Against Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT)
- Regulation on quarantine, isolation and testing for COVID-19 at the border
- Double border screening for all arriving passengers
- Act on Collection of Evidence Relating to Alleged Violations of Intellectual Property Rights, No. 53/2006
- Iceland's First Report on the Application of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child of 20th November 1989
- Extradition of Criminals and Other Assistance in Criminal Proceedings
- Regulation on the legal status of arrested persons, interviews by the police etc., No. 651/2009
- Information for travellers arriving in Iceland from 15 June 2020
- Reykjanes Volcanic Eruption: Icelandic Government Advice
- Regulation on financial support for voluntary return in accordance with the Foreign Nationals Act
- Iceland no longer on FATF grey list
- Politiloven, nr. 90 13. juni 1996 med senere ændringer
- COVID-19: Temporary introduction of stricter border measures
- Conference in Reykjavik City Hall Wednesday September 14 on improving democracy within the state and the municipalities
- Iceland eases restrictions - all children's activities back to normal
- Turning point in foreigners' affairs
- Iceland to welcome up to 140 vulnerable refugees from Ukraine
- Bekendtgörelse om register over trafikovertrædelser og point-system for trafikovertrædelser Nr. 431/1998
- Personal Names Act, No. 45 of 17th May 1996
- Regulations No. 200/1999 respecting Lawyers´ Professional Indemnity
- Vaccinated passengers with ties to Iceland to undergo testing
- Act on the Icelandic Coast Guard
- Iceland´s Fifteenth Periodic Report on the Implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination According to Article 9 of the Convention.
- Popular course on security and defence issues
- Act on Legal Competence
- Stricter measures to slow down the spread of COVID-19
- Report of the Permanent Committe on Procedural Law on amendments to the Insolvency Regime in relation to the assessment programme with the IMF
- Act on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Decisions on the Custody of Children and the Return of Abducted Children, etc. No. 160 27th December 1995
- Inheritance Act No. 8, 14 March 1962
- Lov om islandsk statsborgerret
- Changes in travel restrictions until 1 July
- Code of Civil Procedure No. 91, 31 December 1991
- Goverment Emphases in Actions against Human Trafficking and Other Types of Exploitation
- Restrictions to be gradually lifted starting 4 May
- Two new ministries commence operation
- International equal rights prize to Iceland
- Advertisement on the referendum on 9 April 2011