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Dr. Göran Hermerén á heilbrigðisþinginu 15. nóvember

Dr. Göran Hermerén - mynd

Dr. Göran Hermerén, prófessor emeritus við háskólann í Lundi í Svíþjóð flytur inngangserindi heilbrigðisþingsins 2019 sem haldið verður 15. nóvember næstkomandi. 

Göran Hermerén er heimspekingur að mennt og hefur sérhæft sig í siðfræði á sviði læknavísinda. Hann hefur gegnt margvíslegum stöðum í krafti þekkingar sinnar á þessu sviði, jafnt í Svíþjóð og á Alþjóðlegum vettvangi, m.a. sem forseti hóps Evrópuráðsins um siðfræði í vísindum og nýrri tækni (European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies). Eftir hann liggja ýmsar fræðigreinar og bækur á þessu sviði, m.a. um siðfræði á sviði rannsókna og um forgangsröðun í heilbrigðisþjónustu. Göran mun flytja erindi sitt á ensku og ber það yfirskriftina Priority setting: choices and values in health care. An important debate.

Upplýsingar um fyrirlesara og erindi þeirra, drög að dagskrá og form til að skrá þátttöku á þinginu er á www.heilbrigdisthing.is. Eins er hægt að fylgjast með upplýsingum um þingið á Facebook.


Nánar um Göran Hermerén og erindi hans á heilbrigðisþinginu:

"The stage will be set by a brief introduction about my task, its background and why the debate on priority setting in health care is important. I will then provide a structure for the discussion and put this debate in a somewhat larger context where the key concepts are: present situation, goals, difficulties on the road, and strategies to deal with the difficulties.  Against that background an ethics platform for priority setting will be introduced and the three principles constituting the platform will be explained, with focus on some of the key concepts in the platform: need and effect. Finally I return to the question on the mission of health care, why the debate on priority setting is important and conclude with some comments on who should be involved in the debate.

About the speaker
Göran Hermerén is since 1991 professor of medical ethics, Lund University, Sweden. From 2002 to 2010 President /chair of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies, Brussels. During many years a member of the National Council on Medical Ethics, Stockholm, he is currently the chair of the permanent working group for science and ethics of ALLEA (All European Academies). He has served on many governmental commissions in Sweden. In addition, he has served as external examiner in bioethics at the National University of Ireland, as a referee for international journals, and is involved in several on-going EU-funded research projects. He has published books and papers on research ethics, ethics of stem cell research, the goals of medicine and priority setting in health care. (For details: see www.hermeren.nu)"


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