/Regulation on the processing of applications for professional licenses and specialist licenses according to the Healthcare Practitioners Act No. 34/2012, from applicants from countries with which the Icelandic state has not entered into an agreement on the recognition of professional qualifications, No. 483/2023
Regulation on the processing of applications for professional licenses and specialist licenses according to the Healthcare Practitioners Act No. 34/2012, from applicants from countries with...
/Regulation on financial support for voluntary return in accordance with the Foreign Nationals Act
The Minister of Justice has issued a regulation on financial support for voluntary return in accordance with the Foreign Nationals Act. The Act is in force from the 19 June 2023. REGULATION...
/The Biobanks and Health Databanks Act No. 110/2000
Updated: August 2023 The Biobanks and Health Databanks Act No. 110/2000 as amended by Act No. 27/2008, 48/2009, 45/2014, 90/2018, 71/2019 and 99/2020.
/Health Service Act, No. 40/2007
Updated: September 2024 Health Service Act, No. 40/2007 as amended by Act No. 160/2007, 12/2008, 112/2008, 59/2010, 162/2010, 126/2011, 28/2012, 106/2014, 126/2018, 91/2020, 99/2020, 44/2...
/Act on Patient Insurance, No. 111/2000
Updated: August 2023 Act on Patient Insurance, No. 111/2000 as amended by Act No. 176/2000, 160/2007, 112/2008, 162/2010, 126/2011, 85/2015, 156/2020, 15/2021 and 114/2022.
/Act on the Integration of Services in the Interest of Children’s Prosperity No 86/2021
Act on the Integration of Services in the Interest of Children’s Prosperity No 86/2021
/Parliamentary Resolution on a national security policy for Iceland
Parliamentary Resolution on a national security policy for Iceland No. 26/145
/The Crafts and Trades Act No. 42/1978 with subsequent amendments
The Crafts and Trades Act No. 42/1978 with subsequent amendments Text as of 1 January 2023.
/Act Amending the Act on Equal Treatment Irrespective of Race and Ethnic Origin, No 85/2018 (adding more discrimination factors)
Act Amending the Act on Equal Treatment Irrespective of Race and Ethnic Origin, No 85/2018 (adding more discrimination factors)
/Act on Maternity/Paternity Leave and Parental Leave No. 144/2020
Act on Maternity/Paternity Leave and Parental Leave No. 144/2020 This Act applies to the entitlement of parents on the domestic labour market to maternity/paternity leave and parental leave. It applie...
/Regulation on the importation by individuals of medicinal products for their own use, No. 1277/2022
Regulation on the importation by individuals of medicinal products for their own use, No. 1277/2022
/Act No 82/2019 on the registration of beneficial owners
Act No 82-2019 on the registration of beneficial owners_ENS.pdf
/Act on annual accounts
Disclaimer: This section of the site details available translations on legislation relating to the Government Offices in Iceland. In the event of any discrepancies between the translations and the or...
/The Government Employees Act, No. 70/1996
Government Employees Act, No. 70/1996 [Translation 30.08.2022] The Government Employees Act, No. 70/1996 spells out the rights and duties of government employees, such as pay days, holiday...
/Act on the Administration of Matters Concerning Equality No. 151/2020
Act on the Administration of Matters Concerning Equality
/Act on Equal Status and Equal Rights Irrespective of Gender
Act on Equal Status and Equal Rights Irrespective of Gender
/Act on the Right of Ownership and Use of Real Property
No. 19 of 6th April 1966, with subsequent amendments up to 1st August 2020. Article 1 No one may acquire the right to own or use real property in Iceland, including fishing and hunting right...
/Regulation on measures against victimisation, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment and violence in workplaces, No. 1009/2015.
Regulation on measures against victimisation, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment and violence in workplaces, No. 1009/2015.
/Medicinal Products Act no. 100/2020
Updated: Sept. 2024 Medicinal Products Act no. 100/2020 as amended by Act No. 132/2020, 14/2022 and 29/2024.
/Act on the Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and the Protocol on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment No 74/2019
Act on the Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and the Protocol on Matters Specific to Aircraft Equipment No 74/2019
/Regulation on the recognition of professional qualifications of healthcare practitioners from other Member States of the European Economic Area or Switzerland for the pursuit of an activity in Iceland, No. 510/2020
Regulation on the recognition of professional qualifications of healthcare practitioners from other Member States of the European Economic Area or Switzerland for the pursuit of an activit...
/Act No. 16/1971 on Accession of Iceland to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations
Act No. 16/1971 on Accession of Iceland to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations
/Act No. 4/1978 on Accession of Iceland to the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations
Act No. 4/1978 on Accession of Iceland to the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations
/Act No 119/2019 on the obligation of non profit organisations to register
Act on the obliation of non profit organisations to register No 119-2019.
/Regulation 959/2012 on Protection of Confidential Information, Security Clearances and Security Approvals in the Field of Security and Defence
Regulation 959/2012 on Protection of Confidential Information, Security Clearances and Security Approvals in the Field of Security and Defence
/Act No 85 of 25 June 2018 on Equal Treatment irrespective of Race and Ethnic Origin
This Act applies to the equal treatment of persons irrespective of their race and ethnic origin in all fields of society, with the exception of the labour market, cf. the Act on Equal Treatment in the...
/Act No. 98/1992 on Immunities and Privileges of International Organizations
Act No. 98/1992 on Immunities and Privileges of International Organizations
/Regulation No. 957/2017, as amended by Regulation No. 466/2020 on the Refund of Value Added Tax and Alcohol Tax to Foreign Diplomatic Agents
Regulation No. 957/2017, as amended by Regulation No. 466/2020 on the Refund of Value Added Tax and Alcohol Tax to Foreign Diplomatic Agents
/Law No 41/1979 concerning the Territorial Sea, the Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf as amended by Act No 58/2017 and Act No 44/2018
Law No. 41 of 1 June 1979 concerning the Territorial Sea, the Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf as amended by Act No 58/2017 and Act No 44/2018.
/Act on Gender Autonomy No. 80/2019 as amended by Act No. 159/2019, No. 152/2020 and No. 154/2020
This Act provides for the right of persons to define their gender and it thereby aims at guaranteeing the recognition of their gender identity. The objective of this Act is also to guard the rights of...
/Parliamentary Elections to the Althing, Act No. 24/2000
In case of any discrepancies between the original text in Icelandic and the translation, only the original text as published in the Official Gazette of Iceland (Stjórnartíðindi) is authentic. Ple...
/Act on Candidacy and Election of the President of Iceland, No. 36/1945
In case of any discrepancies between the original text in Icelandic and the translation, only the original text as published in the Official Gazette of Iceland (Stjórnartíðindi) is authentic. Please n...
/Rules pertaining to quality assurance of teaching and research in higher education, no. 1368/2018
The rules contained apply to quality assurance of teaching and research in higher education, as carried out through each institution’s internal reviews and through periodic external reviews by the Min...
/Termination of Pregnancy Act No. 43/2019
Updated: August 2023 Termination of Pregnancy Act No. 43/2019
/Code of Criminal Procedure No. 88, 12 June 2008
This section of the site details available translations on legislation relating to the Government Offices in Iceland. In case of any discrepancies between the translations and the original text in Ice...
/Act on of the National Flag of Icelanders and the Coat of Arms, No 34/1944 of 17 June
Act on of the National Flag of Icelanders and the Coat of Arms, No 34/1944 of 17 June
/Act giving legal effect to the Defence Agreement between Iceland and the United States and on the legal status of US Forces and properties, No. 110/1951
Act giving legal effect to the Defence Agreement between Iceland and the United States and on the legal status of US Forces and properties, No. 110/1951
/Regulation on the education, rights and obligations of health information managers and criteria for granting of licences, No. 640/2019
Regulation on the education, rights and obligations of health information managers and criteria for granting of licences, No. 640/2019
/Act on Equal Treatment on the Labour Market, No. 86/2018
This Act shall apply to the equal treatment of individuals on the labour market, irrespective of their race, ethnic origin, religion, life stance, disability, reduced working capacity, age, sexual ori...
/Act on public lands and the determination of the boundaries of private land, public land and upland ranges, no. 58/1998, cf. Act no. 65/2000
Act on public lands and the determination of the boundaries of private land, public land and upland ranges, no. 58/1998, cf. Act no. 65/2000
/Act respecting support for the publication of books in Icelandic 2018 no. 130, 2018
The purpose of this Act is to support the publication of books in Icelandic by providing temporary financial aid to publishers in the form of a partial reimbursement of costs incurred in the publicati...
/Youth Act no. 70, 2007
The purpose of this Act is to support the participation of children and young people in youth activities. Youth Act 2007 No 70, 28 March (Æskulýðslög)
/Regulation No. 1202/2016, on deduction from the income of foreign experts
Regulation No. 1202/2016, on deduction from the income of foreign experts (last updated 2017)