13 November 2024 /Unlocking Potential Effective Strategies for Supporting Immigrant Children
The Nordic Network for Newly Arrived Students, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Children in Iceland, organised a conference titled Unlocking Potential: Effective Strategies for Supp...
20 September 2024 /Language Technology Programme for Iceland - 2024-2026
The Icelandic government’s previous Language Technology Programme, completed in 2023, provided an ambitious vision for the preservation of the Icelandic language and made Iceland and Icelandic better ...
09 August 2024 /National Action Plan (NAP) on Antimicrobial Resistance 2025-2029
National Action Plan (NAP) on Antimicrobial Resistance 2025-2029
13 June 2024 /Report on Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Build-up in Iceland
Report on Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Build-up in Iceland National policy framework — Directive 2014/94/EU
13 May 2024 /Assessing Ways of Reducing the Rate of Deviations in the Hungting of Fin Whales
Assessing Ways of Reducing the Rate of Deviations in the Hungting of Fin Whales Report from a Task Force appointed by the Minister of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries.
01 May 2024Language Technology Programme for Iceland 2024-2026
The Icelandic government’s previous Language Technology Programme, completed in 2023, provided an ambitious vision for the preservation of the Icelandic language and made Iceland and Icelandic better ...
05 April 2024 /Economic impact of Iceland’s Film Production Incentive
In 2023, Olsberg•SPI (“SPI”) was commissioned by Iceland’s Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs to undertake a project (the “Study”) to assess the economic impact of Iceland’s Film Production Ince...
02 February 2024 /Language Technology for Less-Resourced Languages in the Nordics
One of the initiatives under Iceland's presidency in the Nordic council of Ministers in 2023 was thus to establish a working group made up of experts in the fields of languages and language technology...
22 December 2023 /Impact Evaluation of the Icelandic Research Fund
Impact Evaluation of the Icelandic Research Fund Terms of Reference: to provide a quantitative analysis of the Icelandic Research Fund, its visibility and impact, covering funding patterns, springboar...
01 November 2023 /Nordic digital resilience
Artificial intelligence (AI) presents great opportunities for society, but also serious challenges to our democracy. The Nordic countries, with their advanced level of digitalization, similar societal...
29 June 2023 /Excerpt from the annual Report of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Development Cooperation to the Icelandic Parliament.
Excerpt from the annual Report of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Development Cooperation to the Icelandic Parliament. The report provides an overview of Iceland's foreign relation...
21 December 2022 /Iceland’s 6th periodic report under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Iceland’s 6th periodic report under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
16 November 2022 /Memorandum on the HF Fund’s issues and the Icelandic State’s guarantee
Memorandum on the HF Fund’s issues and the Icelandic State’s guarantee
01 November 2022 /Report: The Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs on the HF Fund
Report:The Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs on the HF Fund
06 October 2022 /The State and Challenges of Energy Affairs
The State and Challanges of Energy Affairs with reference to the government's climate action targets and emphases
16 September 2022 /In View of the Climate Crisis
In View of the Climate Crisis - Iceland's Strategy on Adaptaion to Climate Change
15 November 2021 /S&P publishes a report on Iceland
S&P Global Ratings published today a full analysis report on Iceland. The report does not constitute a rating action. S&P´s report (11/15/2021)
05 November 2021 /Education Policy 2030 - First Action Plan
The first action plan of Iceland's Education Policy 2030 outlines the implementation of educational reforms in 2021-2024. Education Policy 2030 - First Action Plan
04 November 2021 /Education Policy 2030
Education Policy 2030 outlines the Icelandic government's plans for educational reforms from 2021 to 2030. Education Policy 2030 - Iceland
15 October 2021 /Iceland’s Policy on Matters Concerning the Arctic Region
English translation of Iceland’s Policy on Matters Concerning the Arctic Region - Parliamentary Resolution 25/151, approved at Althingi 19 May 2021. Includes a foreword by Minister for Foreign Af...
24 September 2021 /Report on Icelandic-Polish relations
Relations between Iceland and Poland should be further strengthened, and the presence of Iceland in Poland increased, according to a new report of a working group that Gudlaugur Thór Thórdarson, Mini...
09 September 2021 /Relations between Iceland and the Faroe Islands – Proposals for the Future
Increased co-operation in the field of trade, health and education are among the proposals of a new report on how to strengthen the relations between Iceland and the Faroe Islands. Gudlaugur Thór Thór...
31 May 2021 /Foreign Affairs - Excerpt from the Report of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Development Cooperation to the Parliament 2021
Excerpt from the annual Report of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Development Cooperation to the Icelandic Parliament in 2021. The report provides an overview of Iceland's foreign r...
01 March 2021 /Icelandic film policy from 2020 to 2030
In the spring of 2019, Lilja D. Alfreðsdóttir, Iceland’s Minister of Education, Science and Culture, appointed a committee of representatives from both the Icelandic government and the film industry t...
27 January 2021 /Iceland's International Trade Policy
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Iceland has published an extensive report on Iceland's international trade policy. The report covers a wide range of trade related topics and gives an overview of I...
22 January 2021 /Report of the Greenland Committee
In a letter dated 9 April 2019, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, appointed a three-member Greenland Committee to submit recommendations on how to strengthen co-operation between Greenland and Iceland...
22 December 2020 /Iceland's National Plan
Issued in accordance with Declaration related to the Decision of EEA Joint committee No 269/2019 of 25th October 2019. Iceland's National Plan
30 September 2020 /Science and Technology Policy 2020–2022
Science and Technology Policy 2020–2022 Vision of the Science and TechnologyPolicy Council (STPC) In 2030, Iceland will be a diverse society characterised by welfare, security and equal opportunities....
06 July 2020 /Nordic Foreign Ministers receive report on Nordic cooperation on foreign and security policy
On 30 October 2019, the foreign ministers of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden decided to task Mr. Björn Bjarnason of Iceland to prepare an independent report with non-binding proposals on ...
18 June 2020 /Foreign Affairs: Excerpt from the Report of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Development Cooperation to the Parliament 2020
Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Development Cooperation Gudlaugur Thór Thórdarson presented his annual report on foreign affairs to the Icelandic Parliament on 7 May 2020. Th...
29 November 2019 /Icelandic society 2035–2040 Economic, environmental, regional, and demographic developments
The Committee for the Future, appointed by the Prime Minister, has published a report on Icelandic society in 2035-2040. The publication is the first report by the committee and addresses economic, en...
19 August 2019 /Health Policy. A policy for Iceland´s health services until 2030
Health Policy. A policy for Iceland´s health services until 2030
20 June 2019 /Iceland's Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Iceland's Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development - Voluntary National Review (June 2019)
22 May 2019 /Foreign Affairs: Excerpt from the Report of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iceland to the Parliament 2019
Foreign Affairs: Excerpt from the Report of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iceland to the Parliament 2019
29 March 2019 /Goverment Emphases in Actions against Human Trafficking and Other Types of Exploitation
01 March 2019 /Iceland and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
This 2019 report, titled Iceland and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, presents the current global discourse on 4IR and discusses its implications for Icelandic society. Commissioned by the Prime Mi...
13 December 2018 /Iceland’s third National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security
Iceland’s third National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security is presented in the attached report. An external evaluation of the implementation of Iceland’s second National Action Plan that was in...
14 November 2018 /IMF Executive Board completes Article IV Consultation on Iceland - Reports
The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund completed its Article IV Consultation on the status and outlook for the Icelandic economy on Friday November 9 Reports: Iceland 2018 Arti...
28 September 2018 /The 2008 Icelandic Bank Collapse: Foreign Factors
The 2008 Icelandic Bank Collapse: Foreign Factors. A report for the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs.
05 June 2018 /Report: 11 Proposals from the task force on monetary policy
The task force on the monetary policy framework has formulated 11 proposals concerning the framework for prudential tools, a revised and improved inflation target, more targeted application of the Cen...
17 May 2018 /Annual report on foreign and international affairs
The annual report of Gudlaugur Thor Thordarson, Minister of Foreign Affairs, on foreign and international affairs has now been published. This extensive report summarises Iceland’s foreign policy and ...
18 January 2018 /The Icelandic state's ownership strategy for financial services
The Icelandic state's ownership strategy for financial services
10 January 2018 /Pre-Accession Economic Programme 2012
Pre-Accession Economic Programme 2012 (PDF 1,7 MB), January 2012
30 November 2017 /Medium Term Debt Management Strategy 2018-2022
Medium Term Debt Management Strategy 2018-2022
20 November 2017 /The final report of the Nordic Welfare Watch
The final report of the Nordic Welfare Watch has been published. This is a report in the „TemaNord“ series, which is devoted to the outcome of working groups or projects organized by the Nordic C...
25 August 2017 /Icelandic Economic Situation Overview - August 2017
Icelandic Economic Situation Overview - August 2017
04 May 2017 /Annual report on foreign and international affairs - The most powerful tool we have to safeguard our interests
Today, Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, Minister for Foreign Affairs, presented his annual report on Foreign and International Affairs to Parliament. In addition to providing an overview over foreign policy i...
14 July 2015 /Assessment of the Work of the Welfare Watch
The Ministry of Welfare gave the Social Science Research Institute of the University of Iceland the task of assessing and mapping the work of the Welfare Watch, which was set up in 2009 following the ...
31 March 2015 /Report: Monetary Reform - A better monetary system for Iceland
The report, commissioned by the Prime Minister, considers the extent to which Iceland's history of economic instability has been driven by the ability of banks to ‘create money' in the process of lend...
22 March 2015 /Icelandic Economic Situation Overview
Icelandic Economic Situation Overview (PDF 288,83 KB)
15 May 2014 /The Icelandic national curriculum guide for compulsory schools - with Subjects Areas
The Icelandic national curriculum guide for compulsory schools - with Subjects Areas
23 January 2014 /Steps towards eliminating the inflation indexation of new consumer loans
The Expert Group on the elimination of inflation-indexation of consumer credit has handed in its proposals. The report proposes that, commencing on 1 January 2015, major steps be taken towards elimina...
30 November 2013 /Government Action Plan for Household Debt Relief
The Icelandic government today announces an action plan aimed at reducing the country's housing debt. Firstly, the principal of indexed housing mortgages is to be written down and, secondly, tax break...
01 October 2013 /The Fiscal Budget Proposal for 2014, Medium Term Outlook 2014-2017, October 1st 2013, presentation
The Fiscal Budget Proposal for 2014, Medium Term Outlook 2014-2017, October 1st 2013, presentation (PDF 300 KB)
06 May 2013 /Plan of Action on Gender Equality Regarding Wages
This Plan of Action on Gender Equality Regarding Wages is for four years, i.e. until the end of 2016. The aim is that by that time, the gender-based wage differentials that exist on the Icelandic labo...
15 March 2013 /Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy 2013-2016
Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy 2013-2016 (PDF 300 KB), March 2013
10 January 2013 /Pre-Accession Economic Programme 2013
Pre-Accession Economic Programme 2013 (PDF 800 KB), January 2013
22 November 2012 /Gender Budgeting in Iceland, Fact Sheet
Gender Budgeting in Iceland, Fact Sheet (PDF 100 KB), November 2012
15 November 2012 /Icelandic Economic Situation, overview
Icelandic Economic Situation, overview (PDF 300 KB), November 2012
15 October 2012 /The Well-being Watch's Report on Basic Services and Streamlining Measures in Times of Recession
In connection with the implementation of the Government‘s covenant on stability of 25 June 2009, the Welfare Watch was commissioned to “examine, in collaboration with the Union of Local Authorities an...
10 October 2012 /Framework for Financial Stability in Iceland
Framework for Financial Stability in Iceland (PDF 4,8 MB), October 2012
22 September 2012 /The National Economic Forecast for 2013
The National Economic Forecast for 2013 (PDF 120 KB), September 2012
21 September 2012 /Parliamentary Resolution on a Plan of Action on Disabled Persons' Affairs until 2014
Parliamentary Resolution on a Plan of Action on Disabled Persons' Affairs until 2014
22 May 2012 /The Icelandic national curriculum guide for upper secondary school : general section : 2012
The Icelandic national curriculum guide for upper secondary school : general section : 2012
15 May 2012 /The Icelandic national curriculum guide for compulsory school : general section : 2012
The Icelandic national curriculum guide for compulsory school : general section : 2012
15 March 2012 /Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy 2012-2015
Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy 2012-2015 (PDF 350 KB), March 2012
09 February 2012 /Male Violence against Women in Intimate Relationships in Iceland
In 2006, the Icelandic government adopted an action plan for measures to combat violence against women in intimate relationships, based on the concept that violence against women affects everyone in s...
07 February 2012 /Interim Report by the collaborative groupmonitoring welfarein the Suðurnes region
This interim report describes the situation in the Suðurnes region three years after the economic collapse of the autumn of 2008. It was prepared by a collaborative group monitoring welfare issues in ...
07 February 2012 /Gender equalityin Iceland
Information on Gender Equality Issues in Iceland issued by Centre for Gender Equality Iceland. This overview provides useful information about the context, the legal and practical aspects of gender eq...
22 January 2012 /Towards a strategy to prevent dropout in Iceland - Result of the OECD Iceland Workshop Preventing dropout in upper secondary schools in Iceland
Towards a strategy to prevent dropout in Iceland - Result of the OECD Iceland Workshop Preventing dropout in upper secondary schools in Iceland
22 January 2012 /The Icelandic national curriculum guide for preschools : 2012
The Icelandic national curriculum guide for preschools : 2012
02 November 2011 /Welfare for the future. Priorities 2010 - 2013
This report is the second update of the Icelandic Government's 2002 strategy for sustainable development, which bears the title Welfare for the Future. Though the original strategy presented a fr...
07 October 2011 /Health Care System reform and short termsavings opportunities. Iceland Health Care System project
A final report from a 5 week effort to analyze the performance of the Icelandic health care system and identify opportunities for short term savings and more long term Health Care reform. The Boston C...
22 August 2011 /Modernisation of Higher Education in Europe: Funding and the Social Dimension 2011
Modernisation of Higher Education in Europe: Funding and the Social Dimension 2011
30 June 2011 /Science and Technology Policy for Iceland 2010-2012 - Building on solid foundations
Science and Technology Policy for Iceland 2010-2012 - Building on solid foundations
19 January 2011 /Iceland 2020 – governmental policy statement for the economy and community
Iceland aims to become a dynamic society capable of protecting its welfare in a manner that is sustainable and serves all members of the community by the year 2020. The Iceland 2020 policy statement ...
10 January 2011 /Your rights - Important information for foreign women in Iceland
The pamphlet is printed in 7 languages: Icelandic, English, Spanish, Thai, Russian and Arabic and has useful information regarding the Icelandic Justice system and the Icelandic community. More...
05 January 2011 /Pre-Accession Economic Programme 2011
Pre-Accession Economic Programme 2011 (PDF 2,7 MB), January 2011
30 November 2010 /Conclusions of the 2020 Moving Iceland Forward initiative
This report presents the principal conclusions of the vast work that has been conducted throughout the country within the framework of the 2020 - Moving Iceland Forward initiative. More than a thousan...
20 October 2010 /The Nordic Youth Research among 16 to 19 year old in Åland Islands, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden
The Nordic Youth Research among 16 to 19 year old in Åland Islands, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden - October 2010
22 June 2010 /Policy-making for LIFELONG LEARNING
Policy-making for LIFELONG LEARNING - The Development of Education Policy in Iceland in the context of Europe
25 January 2010 /Economic Development in the Nordic Countries: 2009 Report
Economic Development in the Nordic Countries: 2009 Report (PDF 860 KB)
20 January 2010 /The Welfare Watch - Report to the Althingi 2010
The Welfare Watch. Report to the Althingi. Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Security, Iceland. January 2010
31 December 2009 /Weekly Web Release out of publication
The Weekly Web Release is out of publication. See archive: The Icelandic Web Archive
22 November 2009 /Youth College Students 16 to 20 years
Youth College Students 16 to 20 years - Education, culture, leisure, sports activities and future vision among college youth in Iceland
31 October 2009 /Parental leave, Care Policies and Gender Equalities in the Nordic Countries
During the Icelandic presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers, the conference “Parental Leave, Care Policies & Gender Equalities in the Nordic Countries” took place in Reykjavik on 22 Octobe...
29 October 2009 /Report of the Permanent Committe on Procedural Law on amendments to the Insolvency Regime in relation to the assessment programme with the IMF
Report of the Permanent Committe on Procedural Law on amendments to the Insolvency Regime in relation to the assessment programme with the IMF (pdf) Icelandic: Skýrsla réttarfarsnefndar um breytingu á...
25 June 2009 /Measures to achieve a balance in fiscal finances 2009-2013: Revisions of calculations and coordination with IMF
Measures to achieve a balance in fiscal finances 2009-2013: Revisions of calculations and coordination with IMF (PDF 308 KB), July 2009
02 May 2009 /Action Plan against Trafficking in Human Beings
This report contains the first Government Action Plan against trafficking in human beings, as well as an explanatory statement, which the Government of Iceland approved at a cabinet meeting on 17 Marc...
10 April 2009 /Culture - The Arts, The National Cultural Heritage, Broadcasting, Language Policy, Sports and Youth Activities
Culture - The Arts, The National Cultural Heritage, Broadcasting, Language Policy, Sports and Youth Activities
12 March 2009 /Government Policy for Ecological Procurement: The State as an informed and ecologically minded buyer
Government Policy for Ecological Procurement: The State as an informed and ecologically minded buyer (PDF 1,71 MB), March 2009
13 February 2009 /Iceland's Third Periodic Report on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, June 2008
Iceland's Third Periodic Report on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, June 2008.
02 January 2009 /Nordic Road Map
Programme for the Icelandic Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers 2009
15 November 2008 /National summary sheets on education systems in Europe and ongoing reforms - Iceland
National summary sheets on education systems in Europe and ongoing reforms - Iceland (PDF- 91KB)
01 November 2008 /Icelandic National Report - Bologna 2008
Icelandic National Report - Bologna 2008
05 August 2008 /GRECO - Evaluation Report on Iceland - Incriminiations (ETS 173 and 191, GPC 2) (Theme I)
Greco - Evaluation Report on Iceland Incriminiations (ETS 173 and 191, GPC 2) (Theme I) (pdf)
05 August 2008 /GRECO - Evaluation Report on Iceland - Transparency of Party Funding (Theme II)
Greco - Evaluation Report on Iceland Transparency of Party Funding (Theme II) (pdf)