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Ræða Íslands í umræðum um munnlega yfirlitsskýrslu mannréttindafulltrúa Sameinuðu þjóðanna-HRC44

Ræða Íslands í umræðum um munnlega yfirlitsskýrslu mannréttindafulltrúa Sameinuðu þjóðanna-HRC44 - myndUN Photo/Jean-Marc Ferré

Thank you Madam President,

We are thankful for the High Commissioner´s update, as well as her update on the human rights implication of the COVID-19 pandemic. We wish to put on record our thanks the bureau and the President for their efforts and reiterate our support to the adopted Presidential statement on the human rights impact of COVID-19.

Madam President,

Allow me to use this opportunity to more broadly thank the High Commissioner for the work of her office that every day works for those voiceless around the world. The impact of the current crisis will aggravate existing economic and social inequalities and make the work of her office more important than ever.

This is particularly true for minorities and vulnerable groups and in this context we would like to thank the High Commissioner for her increased support for freedom of religion and belief and the protection of religious minorities which have seen an increase in attacks and discrimination in recent years.

Madam President,

We are concerned by reports that the Government of Israel intends to illegally annex occupied Palestinan territory.

If implemented, the annexation would violate a cornerstone principle of international law, adversely affect the rights of Palestinian people and seriously damage the prospect of a two-state solution. We therefore call on Israel not to proceed with its plans. Furthermore, we call on both sides to put an end to violence and to return to the negotiating table.

I thank you.


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