Consulate Information
Iceland opened a Consulate General in the Fareos in 2007, following the conclusion of a comprehensive free trade agreement between the two nations, the Hoyvik Agreement, in 2006.
The Consulate General's main mission is to enhance political, trade and cultural relations between Iceland and the Faroes, in addition to providing assistance to travellers and promoting tourism.
Consulate General of Iceland in Torshavn
AddressYdun, Reyngøta 9
FO-100 Torshavn
Phone: +298 30 81 00
+354 545 7480
Open all week days from 10:00 - 15:00
Consulate General of Iceland in TorshavnFacebook hlekkur
Consul General
Hannes Heimisson
2024- Consul General of Iceland in the Faroe Islands
2022-2024 Ambassador of Iceland to Poland, Ukraine, Bulgaria and Romania, with residence in Warsaw
2020-2022 Ambassador of Iceland to Sweden, Albania, Cyprus and Kuwait with residence in Stockholm
2018-2020 Chief of Protocol, Ministry for Foreign Affairs
2013-2018 Ambassador of Iceland to Japan, the Philippines, Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Timor-Leste and Papua New Guinea with residence in Tokyo
2009-2013 Ambassador, Directorate for Trade and Economic Affairs
2005-2009 Ambassador of Iceland to Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine, with residence in Helsinki
2003-2005 Consul General, New York
1999-2003 Director, Department of Information, Cultural Affairs and Consular Liaison, Ministry for Foreign Affairs
1997-1999 Chargé d´Affaires ad interim, Embassy of Iceland, Helsinki
1996-1997 Counsellor, Political Department. Nordic co-operation and Council of Baltic Sea States, Ministry for Foreign Affairs
1995-1996 Deputy Director, Defence Department, Ministry for Foreign Affairs
1992-1995 First Secretary, Embassy of Iceland, Stockholm
1988-1992 First Secretary, Embassy of Iceland, Paris
1987-1988 First Secretary, Department of Administration, Ministry for Foreign Affairs
1986 First Secretary, Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Born 25 March 1960. Married to Guðrún Margrét Sólonsdóttir. They have four children.

Historical overview
Iceland opened a Consulate General in the Fareos in 2007, following the conclusion of a comprehensive free trade agreement between the two nations, the Hoyvik Agreement, in 2006. Prior to that date, Iceland maintained an Honorary Consulate in Torshavn since 1947. Below is an overview of Iceland's Consuls.
![]() | 2016-2019: Mr. Petur Thorsteinsson, Consul General. Mr. Thorsteinsson (b. 1955, BA, Cand.jur, LLM), previously served as Deputy Secretary-General of the European Free Trade Association, EFTA, Geneva 2001-06, Deputy Chief of Mission in Washington DC 1995-97 and Moscow 1987-90, Acting Consul General and Counsellor at the Permanent Mission of Iceland to the United Nations New York 1983-87. His wife is Ms. Birna Hreidarsdottir. |
![]() | 2012-16: Mr. Thordur Bjarni Gudjonsson, Consul General. Mr. Gudjonsson (b. 1956, Cand.oecon, MSc), previously served as Deputy Chief of Mission at NATO 2000-04 and at the Embassies in London 1995-2000 and Brussels 1987-91. He subsequently served as Consul General in Winnipeg from 2016. His wife is Ms. Jorunn Kristinsdottir. |
![]() | 2009-11: Mr. Albert Jonsson, Consul General. Mr. Jonsson (b. 1952, BA, MS) previously served as Ambassador in Washington DC 2006-09 and subsequently in Moscow 2011-16. His wife is Ms. Asa Baldvinsdottir. |
![]() | 2007-09: Mr. Eidur S. Gudnason, Consul General. Mr. Gudnason (b. 1939, d. 2017) was the first professional diplomat to serve in the Faroes. Previously he served as Minister of Environment and Nordic Cooperation 1991-93, Ambassador in Oslo 1993-98, Consul General in Winnipeg 2001-02 and Ambassadon in Beijing 2002-06. His was Ms. Eyglo Helga Haraldsdottir. |
1985-2007: Mr. Poul Mohr, Honorary Consul. Mr. Mohr (b. 1929) was for many years director of a shipbuilding company in Torshavn, with strong business connections to Iceland. His wife is Ms. Anna Mohr. | |
![]() | 1956-85: Mr. Trygvi Samuelsen, Honorary Consul. Mr. Samuelsen (b. 1907, d. 1985, Cand.jur) served as Iceland's Consul for almost 30 years. He was an attorney and an influential figure in politics in the Faroes. He served as Member of Parliament from 1943-46 for the Union Party and later without interruption from 1949-74, the last four years as party leader. He sat on the City Council of Torshavn 1936-64. Trygvi's home was bought by the City of Torshavn and is now used for official visits and as an art museum. The Icelandic Consulate's Coat of Arms shield is still kept there on display. |
1947-56: Mr. Pall Olafsson, Honorary Consul. Mr. Olafsson (b. 1887, d. 1971) was Iceland's first Consul in the Faroes, appointed on 3 September 1947. Mr. Olafsson was born in Lund in Lundareykjadal, Iceland, on 30 August 1887. He was active in business and fishing, first in Iceland and later in Denmark. From Denmark he moved to the Faroes in 1939 and remained there until the end of the Second World War when he moved back to Denmark and later to Iceland. His commission letter hangs on the wall of the Consulate General in Torshavn, signed by President of Iceland Sveinn Bjornsson and Minister for Foreign Affairs Bjarni Benediktsson. The letter is a gift to the Consulate General from his daughter, Ms. Olof Palsdottir, sculptor. Pall’s wife was Ms. Hildur Stefansdottir. Among their children, in addition to Olof mentioned earlier, wife of Ambassador Sigurdur Bjarnson, was Ms. Ingibjorg Palsdottir, wife of Ambassador Petur Eggerz.