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10.05.2024 - | Nordic-Baltic statement on recent developments in Georgia |
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- Statement by Ambassador Bergdis Ellertsdottir on Climate and Sustainable Development for All
- OSCE Ministerial Council Meeting in Vienna, Austria, 7–8 December 2017.
- Joint Nordic Statement to the Sixth Committee on Report of the International Law Commission, Cluster I
- Iceland welcomes the 2018 Annual Report of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.
- 51st Session of the Human Rights Council: Nordic-Baltic Statement - Interactive dialogue on the oral update of OHCHR on technical assistance and capacity-building for South Sudan
- Statement to the First Committee by Ambassador Jörundur Valtýsson
- Joint Nordic Baltic Statement to the Third Committee
- Joint Nordic Statement at the UN General Joint Debate on "The situation in the Middle East" and "Question of Palestine" (agenda items 37 and 38)
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- Statement of Iceland on the rights of LGBTI persons
- The International Day of the Elimination of Violence against Women.
- Statement by Jónas G. Allansson delivered at the UNRWA Pledging Conference
- 50th Session of the Human Rights Council: Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression
- 50th Session of the Human Rights Council: Adoption of the Outcome of Iceland’s UPR Report and Addendum
- Increased Use of Renewable Energy Encouraged at an OSCE meeting in Prague.
- NB8 statement at the UN General Assembly, 75th Session, 54th plenary meeting Agenda item 65 "The situation in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine"
- Joint Nordic Statement to the General Assembly on Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters
- Statement at the United Nations Security Council open debate on the Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question
- Statement of Iceland on development and human rights
- 34th Special Session of the Human Rights Council
- Joint Nordic Statement delivered at High-Level Open Debate of the UN Security Council on Climate related Risks
- Joint Nordic Statement delivered by Ambassador Mona Juul in the Open debate on Sexual Violence in Conflict
- Statement by H.E. Gudlaugur Thor Thordarson at the 65th Session of the Commission of the Status of Women
- Statement on behalf of the Nordic Countries to the Sixth Committee on the Law of Transboundary Aquifers
- 50th Session of the Human Rights Council: Nordic-Baltic Statement - Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Eritrea
- OSCE Ministerial Council Meeting in Milano, Italy, 6–7 December 2018.
- Nordic Joint Statement in the UN Security Council on the Challenges of Maintaining Peace and Security in Fragile Contexts
- Iceland calls for a dialogue i Belarus.
- Joint Nordic Statement at the Security Council High-Level open debate on Terrorism and Organized Crime
- Statement by Ambassador Bergdis Ellertsdottir at the Pleding Conference on Women, Peace and Security
- Statement on behalf of the Nordic Countries at the Sixth Committee Thematic Debate on the Rule of Law
- 50th Session of the Human Rights Council: High level commemorative event, achievements and lessons learned
- Statement on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries on the Secretary General's Call to Action for Human Rights
- Debate on Gender Equality II - Joint Nordic - Baltic statement by Latvia
- Joint Nordic Statement at the informal meeting on the situation in Myanmar
- Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on disabilities - Statement by Iceland
- Joint Nordic Statement on the occasion of Arria formula meeting in UN Security Council
- Statement by Ambassador Jörundur Valtýsson at a side event: Reaffirming the Commitment to Multilateralism
- Cross Regional Statement for the Secretary General's Briefing on the call to Action for Human Rights
- 48th session of the Human Rights Council: Joint Nordic-Baltic Statement on the situation of human rights in Cambodia
- Statement of Iceland on the situation in South Sudan
- Statement by Ambassador Jörundur Valtýsson at the General Debate on the Report of the Human Rights Council
- Speech at the 75th United Nations General Assembly by H.E. Mr. Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation
- Statement to the Third Committee by Helen S. von Ernst, Second Secretary
- Response to the High Commissioner's report
- Statement of Iceland on the situation in Burundi
- Statement on behalf of the Nordic Countries to the Sixth Committee on Measures to Eliminate Internal Terrorism
- Statement at the Tenth Emergency Special Session on Palestine
- Joint NB8 Statement on the situation of the Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslim minorities in Xinjiang
- Sweden introduces priorities for Chairmanship in 2021.
- Statement of Iceland on the Human Rights situation in the Philippines
- Joint Nordic Statement on "Report on Alleged Human Rights Violations related to the Presidential Elections of 9 August 2020 in Belarus"
- Joint Nordic Statement to the Disarmament and International Security Committee
- Nordic joint statement on the report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization
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- Joint Nordic statement at the Security Council open debate on peace operations and human rights
- Joint Nordic Statement at UN General Assembly 75th Session on the 60th Plenary Meeting
- Joint Nordic statement on the human rights situation in Cambodia
- 50th Session of the Human Rights Council: Dialogue with the Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
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- 48th session of the Human Rights Council: Response to the Oral Update by the High Commissioner for Human Rights
- Joint Nordic Statement at the Arria formula meeting of the Security Council on Cyber-Attacks against Critical Infrastructure
- Statement to the Third Committee by Ragnar Þorvarðarson, First Secretary
- Joint Nordic Statement on the occasion of SC Open Debate on Sexual Violence in Conflict
- Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Gudlaugaur Thor Thordarson's statement on behalf of the Nordic - Baltic states on the question of the death penalty
- 50th Session of the Human Rights Council: Dialogue on the interim oral update by the High Commissioner on the situation of human rights in Nicaragua (Council resolution 46/2)
- Joint Nordic Statement to the Security Council on Silencing the Guns
- Written statement of Iceland for the 2020 HLPF general debate
- Remarks at Launch of the Group of Friends to Combat Marine Plastic Pollution
- Joint Nordic statement on the rights of indigenous peoples
- Joint Nordic statement on the situation in Syria
- Joint Nordic Statement on Upholding the United Nations Charter
- Statement of Iceland on the protection of human rights defenders
- Joint Nordic - Baltic statement on the rights of indigenous peoples
- Statement on behalf of 53 countries - Call for an immediate global ceasefire
- Joint Nordic statement at the Security Council open debate on sexual violence in conflict
- Statement to the Security Council on The Middle East including the Palestinian Question by Ambassador Einar Gunnarsson
- Joint Nordic Statement at the Arria formula meeting of the Security Council on Implementation of Security Council Resolutions on Youth, Peace and Security by UN Peace Operations
- Security Council: Protection of Civilians
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- Meeting of Political Directors of the OSCE Participating States in Rome, Italy, 8 October 2018
- Statement to the General Assembly on the 2021 High-Level Political Forum
- Statements at the 44th session of the Human Rights Council
- Nordic-Baltic Statements and National Statements in HRC49
- A statement on behalf of the Group of Friends of Women, Peace and Security at UNSC open Arria-Formula Meeting
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- 50th Session of the Human Rights Council: Interactive Dialogue with the Fact-Finding Mission on Libya
- Statement of Iceland on human rights situations that require the Council’s attention
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- Statement at the General Debate of the First Committee by Ambassador Jörundur Valtýsson, Permanent Representative of Iceland to the UN
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- Economic and Environmental Dimension Discusses Energy, including Renewables, Bratislava, 27 May 2019.
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- Discussions of UNSC resolution 1325 Discussed at the OSCE Forum for Security Cooperation (FSC).
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- EoP at Adoption of the CSW64 Political Declaration
- Statement of Iceland at UNRWA Virtual Ministerial Pledging Conference
- Hybrid threats undermine the rule of law and democracy.