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Israel Palestine - Iceland's response

Iceland's response in relation to the conflict between Israel and Hamas

Parliamentary resolution 522/154, approved by Alþingi on 9 November 2023 epitomises Iceland's position with regard to the conflict between Israel and the terrorist organisation Hamas. The resolution reads as follows:

„Alþingi concludes that an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Gaza Strip should be established in order to guarantee the safety of civilians, both Palestinian and Israeli. Alþingi condemns all acts of violence directed against civilians in Palestine and Israel. Alþingi demands that international law be upheld for humanitarian reasons, for the safety of civilians and for the protection of civilian infrastructure.

Alþingi condemns the terrorist attack by Hamas on civilians in Israel on October 7, 2023. Alþingi also condemns all subsequent actions of the Israeli government in violation of international humanitarian law, including untold suffering, loss of life, civilian casualties and destruction of civilian infrastructure. It is critical that all violations of international law by the warring parties be fully investigated.

Alþingi calls for humane treatment and immediate release of hostages, access of humanitarian organisations, and the immediate provision of emergency aid and medical assistance for civilians.

Alþingi instructs the government to advocate additional funding for humanitarian assistance and an investigation of violations of international law in order to follow up on the priorities laid out in this resolution.“

Humanitarian support

Iceland has allocated additional 225 million ISK in response to the United Nations emergency response in Gaza. Iceland’s contributions have been channeled through the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), one of Iceland’s long-standing humanitarian partners and the lead UN agency mandated with supporting Palestinian refugees. These additional contributions to UNRWA place Iceland among the Agency’s highest contributing countries per capita this year.


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