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Climate Change

Iceland aims to achieve carbon neutrality before 2040 and to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030 under the Paris Agreement. A Climate Action Plan, updated in 2024, contains 150 actions and is Iceland‘s main policy instrument to reach its goals of cutting emissions and reach carbon neutrality.

Iceland‘s emissions profile is in many ways unusual. Almost all heating and electricity generation is provided for by renewables – hydro and geothermal energy. Iceland has great potential for carbon uptake from the atmosphere by afforestation and revegetation, and to curb emissions from soils by reclaiming drained wetlands. The biggest sources of emissions (outside land use) are industrial processes, road transport, agriculture, fisheries and waste management.

Climate Action Plan

The Icelandic Climate Action Plan consists of 150 actions intended to help Iceland meet its Paris Agreement targets for 2030 and reach the government‘s aim to make Iceland carbon neutral before 2040.


Goals and Commitments

Iceland Is committed to cut emissions by 55% by 2030, as part of a common effort by 29 European countries. Iceland has an agreement on this with the EU and Norway, and has comparable climate regulation, including participating in emissions trading (EU-ETS).    More

GHG Emissions

Icelandic Environment and Energy Agency is responsible for measuring and reporting Iceland‘s emissions of greenhouse gases and carbon uptake by afforestation and other means. Here you can see numbers and trends.


What is Climate Change?

Is the climate changing? How fast? Are human actions causing change? What will the main effects be on ecosystems and human societies? Learn about the basics of climate change and find links to reliable information.


Impact on Iceland

The Icelandic government has commissioned three scientific assessments on the impacts of climate change on nature and society. Impacts include receding glaciers, expanding woodlands and increased risks of natural disasters. Of particular concern is ocean acidification and its possible impact on marine life and fisheries. More


Scientific assessments have outlined main concerns for adaptation, including preparing for changes in sea level and river flows. Work is under way for a national adaptation plan. 


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