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Oct 16, 2024Statement: 13th Plenary Meeting of Second Committee: Sustainable Development
Oct 14, 2024Statement: 13th Plenary Meeting of Third Committee: Rights of Children
Oct 10, 2024Statement: 10th Plenary Meeting of Third Committee: Advancement of Women
Oct 09, 2024Joint Nordic Statement: First Committee on Disarmament - General Debate
Oct 07, 2024Statement: Second Committee General Debate
Sep 30, 2024Joint Nordic Statement: Security Council open debate - Leadership for Peace
Sep 30, 2024Joint Nordic Statement: UNSC Maintenance of Peace and Security in Ukraine
Sep 27, 2024Statement at UNGA79 High-level Side Event: The Situation in Gaza
Sep 12, 2024Joint Nordic statement at the Security Council Briefing on Maintenance of Peace and Security of Ukraine
Jul 16, 2024High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) Statement
Jul 12, 2024Iceland´s statement at the UNRWA Pledging Conference
Jul 02, 2024Preparatory meeting for the 2025 UN Ocean Conference
Jun 28, 2024Statement: Human Rights Treaty Body System
Jun 24, 2024BBNJ PrepCom: Iceland general statement
Jun 19, 2024Statement at the 24th Session of the Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea
Jun 18, 2024Immersed in Change – Ocean Action Event
Jun 13, 2024Statement: SPLOS 34th meeting
Jun 07, 2024Joint Nordic Statement: Executive Board of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS
May 24, 2024Statement on behalf of the Nordic countries: Questions regarding the Security Council
May 16, 2024Statement: Informal Consultations of States Parties to the UN Fish Stocks Agreement (ICSP-17)
May 10, 2024Explanation of Vote: Tenth Emergency Special Session (resumed) of the UN General Assembly
Apr 19, 2024Sustainability Week - SDB7 implementation
Apr 04, 2024Nordic Statement on Crimes Against Humanity, Cluster V
Apr 04, 2024Joint Nordic Statement - Crimes against humanity (Recommendation of the ILC)
Mar 05, 2024Use of veto and situation in Gaza
Feb 13, 2024Joint Nordic statement on agenda item 3: Evaluation: A meta-synthesis on UN-Women’s advocacy and communication
Feb 09, 2024Joint Nordic statement on agenda item 6: Update on UNICEF humanitarian action
Jan 30, 2024Joint statement for agenda item 10: Statement by the Executive Director of UNOPS
Dec 22, 2023UNRWA Explanation of Vote in 5th Committee
Dec 12, 2023Statement at the Tenth Emergency Special Session on Palestine
Dec 11, 2023Nordic Statement: Consultations on Chapter 4 of the Pact for the Future
Dec 08, 2023Advancing Towards a Crimes Against Humanity Convention
Dec 08, 2023ICC Assembly of States Parties 22nd session, general debate
Dec 06, 2023Central Emergency Response Fund High-Level Pledging Event
Dec 05, 2023General debate on agenda items 75 (a), (b) and (c): Oceans and the law of the sea
Nov 03, 2023Third Committee: Explanation of vote on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries
Nov 03, 2023Joint Nordic statement in the Fourth Committee's general debate on UNRWA
Nov 02, 2023Statement at the Emergency Special Session of the UN General Assembly
Oct 31, 2023General debate on the Report of the Human Rights Council
Oct 27, 2023Explanation of Vote at the Emergency Special Session of the UN General Assembly (Icelandic version)
Oct 27, 2023Explanation of Vote at the Emergency Special Session of the UN General Assembly
Oct 26, 2023Joint Nordic-Baltic Statement - Third Committee
Oct 25, 2023Third Committee Statement with the International Commission of Human Rights Experts on Ethiopia
Oct 24, 2023Security Council Statement on the Situation in the Middle East
Oct 24, 2023Third Committee Statement on the Situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan
Oct 24, 2023Third Committee Statement on the Situation of Human Rights in Islamic Republic of Iran
Oct 23, 2023Third Committee, 78th United Nations General Assembly
Oct 23, 2023Joint Nordic Statement on Sea-Level Rise in Relation to International Law
Oct 18, 2023Statement at the 26/27th Plenary Meeting of Third Committee
Oct 16, 2023Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)
Oct 09, 2023Statement at the First Committee General Debate
Oct 06, 2023Promotion and protection of the rights of children (item 67)
Oct 05, 2023Summit of the Future 2024 Statement by H.E. Thordis Kolbrun Reykfjord Gylfadottir, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iceland
Oct 05, 202378th General Assembly Third Committee, Advancement of Women (Item 25)
Sep 27, 202378th United Nations General Assembly General Debate statement by H.E. Thordis Kolbrun Reykfjord Gylfadottir, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iceland
Aug 04, 2023UN Security Council High-Level Open Debate on Famine and Conflict-Induced Global Food Insecurity
Jul 19, 2023Joint Nordic Statement at General Assembly Debate on use of the Veto
Jul 18, 2023Commemoration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the adoption of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
Jul 18, 2023Joint Nordic-Baltic Statement on the Situation in the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine
Jul 18, 2023Statement at the 2023 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development
Jul 17, 2023Joint Nordic Statement in UNSC on Maintenance of International Peace & Security in Ukraine
Jun 20, 2023BBNJ Further Resumed Fifth Session - Adoption of the Agreement
Jun 16, 2023HER LAND. HER RIGHTS. Desertification & Drought Day 2023.
Jun 15, 2023Thirty-Third Meeting of States Parties to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
Jun 15, 2023UNICEF Executive Board Annual Session 2023 – joint gender statement
Jun 05, 2023Statement at ICP23 General Debate
Jun 02, 2023Statement at the UNRWA Pledging Conference
Jun 01, 2023Joint Statement at meeting with the chairs of the Human Rights Treaty Bodies
May 23, 2023Joint Nordic Statement at the UN Security Council: Annual Open Debate on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict
Apr 26, 2023Statement at introduction of UNGA draft resolution on cooperation between the United Nations and the Council of Europe
Apr 19, 2023Statement at the 2023 Financing for Development Forum
Apr 14, 2023Joint Nordic Statement on Cluster 4 at resumed session of the 6th Committee on Crimes Against Humanity
Mar 29, 2023Statement after adoption of resolution on ICJ Advisory Opinion on Climate Change
Mar 28, 2023Statement at the DPPA´s Annual Donor Meeting
Mar 23, 2023Statement at the 2023 United Nations Water Conference
Mar 07, 2023Statement at the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries
Mar 06, 2023Statement by H.E. Ms. Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Prime Minister of Iceland at CSW67 General Debate
Feb 23, 2023Joint Nordic Statement, General Assembly 11th Emergency Special Session on Ukraine
Feb 22, 2023 Emergency Special Session on Ukraine
Feb 22, 2023Joint Nordic Statement Delivered at the Intergovernmental Negotiations (ING)
Feb 06, 2023Joint nordic statement at UNSC Briefing on Maintenance of International Peace and Security of Ukraine
Feb 02, 2023Nordic Statement at UNFPA segment at UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS Executive Board First Regular Session 2023
Jan 12, 2023The promotion and Strengthening of the Rule of Law in the Maintenance of International Peace and Security
Dec 09, 2022Oceans and the law of the sea, General Assembly 77th session
Dec 09, 2022Central Emergency Response Fund High-Level Pledging Event
Dec 08, 2022Joint statement of WEOG States Parties to UNCLOS, and other Member States, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of UNCLOS
Nov 17, 2022Introduction of Draft Resolution Human Rights Treaty Body System
Nov 14, 2022NB8 Statement in the General Assembly at the 11th Emergency Special Session on the situation in Ukraine
Nov 04, 2022UNGA77 45th Meeting of the Third Committee, explanation of vote on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries
Oct 28, 2022Interactive Dialogue with the Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Oct 28, 2022Immunity of State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction & Sea-level rise in relation to international law
Oct 26, 2022Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Oct 21, 2022Interactive Dialogue with the chair of the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Oct 21, 2022Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights in the context of climate change
Oct 20, 2022Promotion and Protection of Human Rights
Oct 20, 2022Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation
Oct 20, 2022Joint Nordic Statement at Security Council Open Debate On Women Peace and Security
Oct 11, 2022Statement at the First Committee General Debate
Oct 11, 2022Statement on the Rights of the Child in Third Committee
Oct 10, 2022Joint Nordic-Baltic Statement at the General Assembly Emergency Special Session on Ukraine
Oct 06, 2022Sixth Committee General Debate UNGA77
Oct 06, 2022Third Committee General Debate UNGA77
Oct 04, 2022Second Committee General Debate UNGA77
Sep 13, 2022Joint Nordic Statement at the UN Women Executive Board, second regular session
Aug 24, 2022Joint Statement on Six Months of Russia’s Full-Scale Invasion Of Ukraine
Aug 02, 2022Statement at the 10th NPT Review Conference
Jul 15, 2022HLPF 2022 - Iceland General Debate Statement
Jul 07, 2022HLPF 2022 Side Event: Women in Small-Scale Fisheries and Aquaculture
Jun 24, 2022UNSC Arria-formula meeting: Nordic Statement on the relationship between the ICC and the Security Council
Jun 23, 2022UNRWA Pledging Conference
Jun 21, 2022UN Women Executive Board - Annual Session 2022 - Joint Nordic Statement
Jun 16, 2022Statement at SPLOS 32nd Session
Jun 15, 2022UN Security Council High level Open Debate: The role of regional organizations in implementing women, peace and security in the face of political turmoil and seizures of power by force
Jun 13, 2022GA: Nordic Statement: Myanmar
Jun 08, 2022UNDP Gender Equality cross-regional statement – UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS Executive Board
Jun 08, 2022Nordic Statement: GA Debate on Veto in Security Council
Jun 07, 202215th Meeting of State Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - Statement by Iceland
Jun 02, 2022Nordic statement on Strengthening Accountability and Justice for Serious Violations of International Law
Jun 02, 2022Statement on Human Rights Treaty Bodies
May 19, 2022Joint Nordic statement at the UN Security Council debate on Conflict and Hunger
May 09, 2022Joint Nordic Statement on Implications of Sea Level Rise for International Security
Apr 27, 2022Statement by GoF of Accountability following the Aggression against Ukraine at UNSC Arria meeting: Ensuring Accountability for Atrocities committed in Ukraine
Apr 26, 2022Joint Nordic statement at the vote of the General Assembly on the Veto Initiative
Apr 26, 2022Statement at Financing for Development Forum General Debate
Apr 25, 2022Statement at 21st Session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
Apr 19, 2022Joint Nordic Statement at the Security Council meeting on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine
Apr 11, 2022Joint Nordic Statement at UN Security Council Open Briefing under the Agenda Item "Peace and Security of Ukraine"
Apr 07, 2022Nordic Statement at the 11th Emergency Special Session of the General Assembly on Ukraine
Apr 05, 2022NB8 statement in connection to the UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine, 5 April
Apr 01, 2022Joint Nordic Statement at the IIIM debate, 65th Plenary Meeting, on Prevention of armed conflict
Mar 28, 2022Joint Nordic Statement - Working Group on Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the context of International Security
Mar 25, 2022Joint Nordic Statement at Arria formula Meeting on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Conflict
Mar 24, 2022Opening remarks at UNDP side event on CSW66: From Pledges to Actions: advancing gender equality in national climate plans
Mar 23, 2022Statement on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries at the General Assembly “General Assembly Emergency Special Session on Ukraine”
Mar 17, 2022Joint Nordic Statement at the Security Council meeting on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine
Mar 14, 2022Statement at the CSW66 side event Gender Equality and Empowerment in the Arctic
Mar 08, 2022Group of Friends of Women, Peace and Security at the Open Debate of the UN Security Council on Advancing the WPS agenda through partnerships
Mar 08, 2022Joint Nordic Baltic Statement at the Open Debate of the UN Security Council on Advancing the WPS agenda through partnerships
Mar 07, 2022Joint Nordic Statement at the Intergovernmental Negotiations (IGN) on Security Council reform
Mar 04, 2022Our Common Agenda, 4th Consultations
Mar 03, 2022UN Women Peer to Peer Dialogue - Sexual Harassment and Intersectionality
Mar 02, 2022Ad Hoc Committee against Cybercrime
Mar 02, 2022Statement on behalf of NB8 at the General Assembly Emergency Special Session on Ukraine
Feb 28, 2022EU statement at the General Assembly Emergency Special Session on Ukraine
Feb 28, 2022NB8 Statement at the General Assembly Emergency Special Session on Ukraine
Feb 26, 2022PGA High Level Dialogue: Galvanising Momentum for Universal Vaccination
Feb 23, 2022EU Statement supported by Iceland on the situation in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine
Feb 23, 2022Nordic Baltic Statement on the situation in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine
Feb 21, 2022Statement on "Our Common Agenda" - promoting peace, international law, and digital cooperation
Feb 14, 2022UN Women Executive Board - Joint Statement
Feb 10, 2022Statement on Our Common Agenda - Thematic consultation 1: SDGs
Feb 08, 2022Joint Nordic Statement - Intergovernmental Negotiations (IGN)
Feb 03, 2022FFD Co-facilitators statement - ECOSOC Financing for Development
Feb 01, 2022General Assembly - Statement on the implementation of SDG 14
Jan 25, 2022Joint Nordic Statement at SC high-level open debate on "War in Cities: protection of civilians in urban settings"
Jan 21, 2022Joint Nordic Statement at informal meeting on the SGs priorities for 2022
Jan 18, 2022Joint Nordic Statement: Security Council Open Debate on Women Peace and Security
Jan 18, 2022Statement by GoF of WPS: Security Council Open Debate on Women Peace and Security
Dec 10, 2021General Assembly 76th session statement on Humanitarian and disaster relief assistance of the UN
Dec 09, 2021Joint Nordic statement at the UN Security Council Open Debate on terrorism and climate change
Dec 08, 2021CERF High Level Pledging Event for 2022 - Icelandic statement
Dec 07, 2021Statement at the General Assembly 76th session on Agenda item 78, Oceans and the Law of the Sea
Dec 02, 2021Group of Friends for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls
Nov 23, 2021Statement at the Global Action Plan against Trafficking in Persons General Assembly High Level Meeting
Nov 22, 2021Nordic Statement at the UN SC Open Debate on Small Arms and Light Weapons
Nov 16, 2021Joint Nordic Statement at the UN SC open debate on Peace and security through preventive diplomacy
Nov 15, 2021Joint Nordic Statement: Debate on the Question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the SC and other matters
Nov 09, 2021Nordic statement at the Security Council meeting on Maintaining International Peace and Security
Oct 28, 2021Joint Nordic Statement UNGA76 - Report of the International Law Commission
Oct 26, 2021NB8 Statement at Interactive Dialogue with Mr. Victor Madrigal-Borloz
Oct 26, 2021United Nations General Assembly 76th Session - High Level meeting on Delivering Climate Action
Oct 26, 2021Third Committee Interactive Dialogue, Statement by the UN LGBTI Core Group
Oct 25, 2021Joint Nordic Statement - Our Common Agenda
Oct 08, 2021Joint Nordic Statement on the occasion of Arria formula meeting in UNSC on the human rights situation in Belarus
Oct 06, 2021United Nations General Assembly 76th Session - Second Committee General Debate
Oct 06, 2021United Nations General Assembly 76th session - First Committee General Debate
Oct 04, 2021United Nations General Assembly 76th Session - Third Committee General Debate
Sep 27, 2021United Nations General Assembly 76th Session - High Level Week General Debate
Sep 24, 2021United Nations High-Level Dialogue on Energy
Sep 23, 2021Alliance for Multilateralism - Shaping our Common Agenda
Sep 23, 2021Food Systems Summit - Statement by Prime Minister of Iceland Katrín Jakobsdóttir
Sep 22, 2021UN LGBTI Core Group High Level Event - Leaving No One Behind: Decriminalization of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Sep 14, 2021Joint Nordic Statement at the UN Women Executive Board, Agenda Item 2: Strategic Plan
Sep 10, 2021Joint Nordic Statement on SG's Recommendations to Advance the Common Agenda and Respond to Current and Future Challanges
Aug 31, 2021Joint Nordic Statement on UNFPA strategic plan 2022-2025
Aug 30, 2021Jóint Nordic Statement: Interactive Dialogue with the UNDP Administrator and New Strategic Plan
Aug 18, 2021Joint Nordic statement at the Security Council Open Debate on "Protecting the Protectors: Technology and Peacekeeping"
Jul 12, 2021Statement to the General Assembly on the 2021 High-Level Political Forum
Jun 23, 2021Statement at the Thirty-first Meeting of States Parties to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
Jun 22, 2021Joint statement at Executive Board of UN Women Annual Session 2021
May 21, 2021Statement on High-level Event on Culture and Sustainable Development
May 20, 2021Joint Nordic Statement at the UN General Joint Debate on "The situation in the Middle East" and "Question of Palestine" (agenda items 37 and 38)
May 16, 2021Statement at the United Nations Security Council open debate on the Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question
May 12, 2021Joint NB8 Statement on the situation of the Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslim minorities in Xinjiang
Apr 29, 2021AMR 2021 - Call to Action on Antimicrobial Restistance
Apr 22, 2021Joint Nordic Statement at UN General Assembly 75th Session on the 60th Plenary Meeting
Apr 14, 2021Joint Nordic Statement on the occasion of SC Open Debate on Sexual Violence in Conflict
Apr 09, 2021Joint Nordic Statement at the Arria formula meeting on Myanmar
Apr 08, 2021Statement at the 10th Annual ECOSOC Youth Forum by Mr. Asmundur Einar Dadason, Minister of Social Affairs and Children
Mar 18, 2021Statement delivered by H.E. Gudlaugur Thor Thordarson at High-level Meeting on "Implementation of the Water-related Goals and Targets of the 2030 Agenda"
Mar 15, 2021Statement by H.E. Gudlaugur Thor Thordarson at the 65th Session of the Commission of the Status of Women
Mar 10, 2021Statement by H.E. Gudlaugur Thor Thordarson at Global Champion of the UN High-Level Dialogue on Energy - Virtual Launch Programme
Mar 08, 2021Joint Nordic Statement at the Arria Formula Meeting on "Ensuring the Full, Equal and Meaningful Participation of Women in UN-led Peace Processes"
Mar 08, 2021A statement on behalf of the Group of Friends of Women, Peace and Security at UNSC open Arria-Formula Meeting
Feb 26, 2021Joint Nordic Statement at the informal meeting on the situation in Myanmar
Feb 24, 2021Cross Regional Statement for the Secretary General's Briefing on the call to Action for Human Rights
Feb 24, 2021Statement on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries on the Secretary General's Call to Action for Human Rights
Feb 23, 2021Joint Nordic Statement delivered at High-Level Open Debate of the UN Security Council on Climate related Risks
Feb 23, 2021NB8 statement at the UN General Assembly, 75th Session, 54th plenary meeting Agenda item 65 "The situation in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine"
Feb 15, 2021Joint Statement at the Executive Board of UN Women First Regular Session 2021 delivered by Mr. Jónas G. Allansson, Deputy Permanent Representative
Feb 10, 2021Joint Nordic Statement at the 59th Session of the Commission for Social Development
Feb 09, 2021Statement on behalf of LGBTI UN Core Group at the 59th Session of the Commission for Social Development
Feb 03, 2021Joint Statement at Executive Board of UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS First Regular Session 2021 delivered by H.E. PR Jörundur Valtýsson
Jan 28, 2021Joint Nordic Statement at the 51st Plenary meeting - Debate on the Report of the Secretary General on the work of the Organization
Jan 25, 2021Joint Nordic Statement at the Intergovernmental Negotiations on matters related to the Security Council
Jan 22, 2021Joint Nordic Statement on the occasion of Arria formula meeting in UN Security Council
Jan 06, 2021Nordic Joint Statement in the UN Security Council on the Challenges of Maintaining Peace and Security in Fragile Contexts
Dec 08, 2020Statement on Oceans and the Law of Sea at UN General Assembly by H.E. Mr. Jörundur Valtýsson Permanent Representative of Iceland to the UN
Dec 07, 2020Joint Nordic Statement for the launch of Group of Friends for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls
Dec 03, 2020Joint Nordic Statement on "Report on Alleged Human Rights Violations related to the Presidential Elections of 9 August 2020 in Belarus"
Nov 16, 2020Statement on Draft Resolution on the Human Rights Treaty Body System in the Third Committee
Oct 30, 2020Statement on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic Countries Interactive Dialogue with the President of the Human Right Council UNGA Third Committee 30 October 2020
Oct 09, 2020Statement at the General Debate of the First Committee by Ambassador Jörundur Valtýsson, Permanent Representative of Iceland to the UN
Oct 09, 2020Joint Nordic Statement at the First Committee - 75th General debate
Oct 06, 2020Statement at the General Debate of the Third Committee by Ambassador Jörundur Valtýsson, Permanent Representative of Iceland to the UN
Oct 06, 2020Statement at the General Debate of the Second Committee by Ambassador Jörundur Valtýsson, Permanent Representative of Iceland to the UN
Sep 29, 2020Speech at the 75th United Nations General Assembly by H.E. Mr. Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation
Sep 23, 2020Statement at the UN LGBTI core group side event at the UN 75 General Assembly
Sep 21, 2020Prime Minister addresses the UN General Assembly commemorating the 75th anniversary of the United Nations
Sep 09, 2020Joint Nordic Statement at the Arria formula meeting of the Security Council on Implementation of Security Council Resolutions on Youth, Peace and Security by UN Peace Operations
Sep 04, 2020Joint Nordic Statement at UNSC meeting on the situation in Belarus
Sep 03, 2020Statement of the Nordic and Baltic States on the Adoption of UNGA resolution "Status of internally displaced persons and refugees from Abkhazia, Georgia, and the Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia, Georgia"
Aug 26, 2020Joint Nordic Statement at the Arria formula meeting of the Security Council on Cyber-Attacks against Critical Infrastructure
Aug 12, 2020Joint Nordic Statement at the Security Council High-Level Debate on Pandemics and the Challenges of Sustaining Peace
Aug 06, 2020Joint Nordic Statement at the Security Council High-Level open debate on Terrorism and Organized Crime
Jul 24, 2020Joint Nordic statement at the Security Council open debate on climate and security
Jul 17, 2020Joint Nordic statement at the Security Council open debate on sexual violence in conflict
Jul 14, 2020Statement by the UN LGBTI Core Group at the 2020 HLPF
Jul 09, 2020Written statement of Iceland for the 2020 HLPF general debate
Jul 07, 2020Joint Nordic statement at the Security Council open debate on peace operations and human rights
Jul 02, 2020Joint Nordic Statement on Pandemics and Security
Jun 29, 2020Joint Nordic Statement at UNICEF Executive Board Annual Session 2020
Jun 23, 2020Statement of Iceland at UNRWA Virtual Ministerial Pledging Conference
Jun 22, 2020Written statement by Iceland at UN Women Executive Board Annual Meeting 2020
Jun 22, 2020Joint statement of the WEOG member states on the occasion of the election of PGA75
Jun 08, 2020Joint Statement from Members of the Green Group on World Oceans Day 2020
Jun 08, 2020Remarks at Launch of the Group of Friends to Combat Marine Plastic Pollution
Jun 05, 2020Joint Nordic Statement at UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS Executive Board Annual Session 2020
Jun 02, 2020Statement of Iceland at informal consultations to launch review of the UN human rights treaty body system
May 27, 2020Security Council: Protection of Civilians
May 18, 2020Remarks of Iceland at UN LGBTI Core Group special event to mark IDAHOBIT
May 11, 2020We need strong global cooperation and solidarity to fight COVID-19
Apr 27, 2020Security Council: Youth, peace and security
Apr 22, 2020Arria: Climate and Security risks
Mar 09, 2020EoP at Adoption of the CSW64 Political Declaration
Feb 10, 2020Address at Informal meeting on the intergovernmental negotiations for the review process of the ECOSOC and HLPF
Feb 05, 2020Statement of Iceland at Preparatory Meeting for the 2020 UN Ocean Conference 5 February 2020
Feb 04, 2020Statement of Iceland at Preparatory Meeting for the 2020 UN Ocean Conference 4 February 2020
Jan 22, 2020Nordic joint statement on the report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization
Jan 09, 2020Joint Nordic Statement on Upholding the United Nations Charter
Dec 05, 2019Joint Nordic Statement on Midterm Review of the Implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action for the Decade 2014-2024
Nov 25, 2019Joint Nordic Statement to the General Assembly on the Question of Equitable Representation on and Increase in the Membership of the Security Council
Nov 20, 2019Joint Nordic Statement on the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Adoption of the Convention of the Rights of the Child
Nov 19, 2019Joint Nordic Statement to the Security Council on the Role of Reconciliation in Maintaining International Peace and Security
Nov 15, 2019Statement to the Third Committee by Helen S. von Ernst, Second Secretary
Nov 15, 2019Joint Nordic Statement to the Third Committee on Adoption of the UNHCR Omnibus Resolution
Nov 07, 2019Statement to the Third Committee by Ragnar Þorvarðarson, First Secretary
Nov 05, 2019Joint Nordic Statement to the Sixth Committee on Report of the International Law Commission, Cluster III
Nov 04, 2019General Assembly - Joint Nordic Statement on the Report of the International Criminal Court
Nov 01, 2019Joint Nordic Baltic Statement Delivered by Ambassador Jörundur Valtýsson to the Third Committee
Nov 01, 2019Statement by Ambassador Jörundur Valtýsson at the General Debate on the Report of the Human Rights Council
Nov 01, 2019Joint Statement on Report of the HRC to the Third Committee
Oct 31, 2019Joint Nordic Statement to the Sixth Committee on Report of the International Law Commission, Cluster II
Oct 30, 2019General Assembly - Joint Nordic Statement on the Report of the International Court of Justice
Oct 29, 2019Joint Statement on Xinjiang by Ambassador Karen Pierce, UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations
Oct 29, 2019Statement on behalf of the Nordic countries by Norway´s Minister of Foreign Affairs Ine Eriksen Søreide
Oct 28, 2019Joint Nordic Statement to the Sixth Committee on Report of the International Law Commission, Cluster I
Oct 25, 2019Joint Nordic Statement to the Sixth Committee on UN Programme of Assistance
Oct 25, 2019Statement by Davíð Logi Sigurðsson, Director for Human Rights to the Third Committee
Oct 25, 2019Joint Nordic Statement at an Arria Formula Meeting
Oct 24, 2019Statement by Davíð Logi Sigurðsson, Director for Human Rights to the Third Committee
Oct 23, 2019Statement to the Third Committee by Davíð Logi Sigurðsson, Director for Human Rights
Oct 23, 2019Joint Nordic Statement to the Disarmament and International Security Committee
Oct 22, 2019Statement on behalf of the Nordic Countries to the Sixth Committee on the Law of Transboundary Aquifers
Oct 22, 2019Joint Nordic Statement to the Sixth Committee
Oct 22, 2019Statement by Davíð Logi Sigurðsson, Director for Human Rights to the Third Committee
Oct 22, 2019Statement by Mr. Davíð Logi Sigurðsson, Director for Human Rights to the Third Committee
Oct 21, 2019Statement on behalf of the Nordic Countries to the Sixth Committee on UNCITRAL
Oct 21, 2019Joint Nordic Baltic Statement to the Third Committee
Oct 21, 2019Statement on behalf of Group of States on the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
Oct 18, 2019Statement to the Third Committee on Reprisals
Oct 15, 2019Joint Nordic Statement to the Sixth Committee on Diplomatic Protection
Oct 14, 2019Statement to the First Committee by Ambassador Jörundur Valtýsson
Oct 11, 2019Sixth Committee Statement on behalf of the Nordic Countries on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts
Oct 10, 2019Statement to the Third Committee by Helen S. von Ernst, Second Secretary
Oct 10, 2019Statement on behalf of the Nordic Countries at the Sixth Committee Thematic Debate on the Rule of Law
Oct 08, 2019Statement on behalf of the Nordic Countries to the Sixth Committee on Measures to Eliminate Internal Terrorism
Oct 07, 2019Statement to the Second Committee by Ambassador Jörundur Valtýsson
Oct 07, 2019Statement by Ambassador Jörundur Valtýsson on The Advancement of Women
Oct 01, 2019Statement by Esther Hallsdóttir, Iceland´s Youth Delegate to the United Nations
Sep 10, 2019Statement by Ambassador Jörundur Valtýsson at a side event: Reaffirming the Commitment to Multilateralism
Jul 09, 2019Joint Nordic Statement to the UN Security Council on the nexus between terrorism and organised crime
Jun 25, 2019Statement by Jónas G. Allansson delivered at the UNRWA Pledging Conference
Jun 18, 2019Statement by Ambassador Bergdis Ellertsdottir at the UN Women Executive Board Annual Session
Jun 11, 2019Statement by Thor G. Thorarinsson at the 12th session of the Conference of State Parties to the CRPD
Jun 11, 2019Statement by Ambassador Bergdis Ellertsdottir at the UNICEF Executive Board 2019 Annual Session
Jun 06, 2019Statement by Norway on behalf of the Nordic Countries on the working methods of the Security Council
May 23, 2019Statement by Norway on behalf of the Nordic Countries in the Open Depate on Protection of civilians in armed conflict
May 07, 2019Statement by Norway on behalf of the Nordic Countries in the Open Debate on Investing in Peace
Apr 30, 2019General Statement of Iceland by Þórður Ægir Óskarsson to the 3rd Preparatory Committee for the 2020 NPT Review Conference
Apr 29, 2019Joint Nordic Statement at the General Debate of the Preparatory Committee for the 2020 Review Conference
Apr 23, 2019Statement by Ambassador Bergdis Ellertsdottir at the Pleding Conference on Women, Peace and Security
Apr 23, 2019Joint Nordic Statement delivered by Ambassador Mona Juul in the Open debate on Sexual Violence in Conflict
Apr 11, 2019Joint Nordic Statement to the Security Council on Women in Peacekeeping
Apr 03, 2019Statement by Ambassador Bergdis Ellertsdottir on 52nd Session of the Committee on Population and Development
Mar 29, 2019Statement by Ambassador Bergdis Ellertsdottir on Climate and Sustainable Development for All
Feb 27, 2019Joint Nordic Statement to the Security Council on Silencing the Guns
Dec 20, 2018Statement to the General Assembly on the Declaration of Human Rights Defenders by Jonas G. Allansson, Deputy Permanent Representative
Dec 12, 2018Statement to the General Assembly on Oceans and the Law of the Sea by Ambassador Bergdis Ellertsdottir
Nov 01, 2018Joint Nordic Statement to the General Assembly on Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters
Oct 31, 2018Joint First Committee Statement on Gender and the Disarmament Machinery
Oct 22, 2018Statement on behalf of the Nordic Countries at the First Committee Thematic Debate on Other Weapons of Mass Distruction
Oct 15, 2018Statement to the Second Committee on Sustainable Development
Oct 08, 2018Joint Nordic Statement to the General Assembly by Norway on the First Committee
Sep 04, 2018General statement of BBNJ at the first intergovernmental conference by Sesselja Sigurdardottir, Counsellor/Legal Adviser
Apr 27, 2018Statement to the Security Council- Debate on the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question by Ambassador Einar Gunnarsson
Apr 24, 2018Statement to the General Assembly on the International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism for Syria IIIM by Nikulás Hannigan, Deputy Permanent Representative
Feb 08, 2018Statement to the Security Council on The Middle East including the Palestinian Question by Ambassador Einar Gunnarsson

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